If you have decided to install RCD Safety Switches in your meter box or distribution board, you may want to hold off the decision and read this article.
Sometimes, going under the risk of serious injury and death, as well as damage to your house and family just isn’t worth it. Instead, hiring a trained electrician
in Kaneohe or any other area in Hawaii always seems like the best decision. But first of all, let’s describe what RCD Safety Switch systems are and how do
they work.
What Is A RCD Safety Switch And How Does It Work?
Basically, safety switches are known as RCDs (residual current devices). They provide a fast power cut-off in risky or problematic situations. The electrical
hazards are often hidden and unable to identify such as holes and damages. RCDs are the only devices that protect you and your family from these hidden
dangers and give you a second chance. An RCD Safety Switch works simple – it constantly monitors the current flowing in the active and natural wires,
supplying the circuits or an individual item of equipment. Under the normal circumstances, this flowing in the two wires is equal.
Now, every electrician in Kaneohe, Hawaii knows that there are four different safety switch types out there, including:
o meter box mounted RCD safety switches
o combination RCD safety switches and circuit breakers
o portable RCD safety switches
o power point RCD safety switches
Basically, the best way to go at this point is to check if your house has RCD safety switches installed. And if not…hire A Hawaii Electrician To Install RCD
Safety Switches In Your Home Or Office Required by law to be fitted at the origin of power and lighting circuits, RCD safety switches should be installed in
every home. The best way to make sure this happens is to choose a trained Kaneohe electrician with years of experience. If you are living in a home built
before the 90s, it most probably lacks a system like this – and installing it is definitely worth it. If you care about your home and the well-being of your environment, RCD’s will be your best friends!
Only a licensed electrician or repairman in Oahu, Honolulu or Kaneohe can make most of RCD
safety switches, install them in your home and protect you against overloading and short circuits. In a nutshell, this may prevent a lot of electrical problems in
your home and keep you, your family and your property safe against any of them.